Once you are clear on your objectives, you are in a position to make some key decisions. Here’s our suggested checklist of some you might want to consider:
Who will record your video question, or what alternative footage will you use?
Will you send survey questions out with your video request?
Will you build the full survey on inColor or use inColor to deliver the video element of a survey on the quantilope app?
Who is your target population and how will you invite them to participate?
Will users be recruited in advance based on their willingness and ability to submit a video?
Will you offer an increased incentive for video content?
If using the widget, what is the process for identifying users in the system and do you want to pass through any other data with each video response?
Have you a defined what a valid response looks like (and is the recipient clear on what is expected)?
What are the terms of usage that a recipient needs to be aware of?
Will you make video a compulsory element of the survey?
Do you want a response within a particular timescale or will you allow them to find a better time and space for video recording?
How much video do you want from each participant?
Once these decisions have been made, here are some tips on how to make sure you get the best from your respondents by communicating in a way that makes them clear and comfortable with what is expected.