
If you want to submit the contribution, call the created function (given by the value of the sendResponse param). 

Note: Use onProgress and onEnd to hook into contribution progress, and onError to hook into warnings or errors.


//after the iframe loads, you can call this function


You can show user feedback using the callback function. When the callback function is called with a string, it means the response was not sent, and the string param is the error message you can use to display custom feedback. Eg - if there is no file uploaded or no video recorded, the function will be called with an appropriate message.


If a contribution can be created, your callback will be called with true

NOTE: Creating the contribution is an async task. After your callback returns, the contribution is not ready yet. Use onProgress and onEnd to hook into contribution progress, and onError to hook into warnings or errors.



frame.src= '.....?sendResponse=x&onProgress=onPlottoProgress'
// you need to implement this function in order to get feedback on upload progress
window.onPlottoProgress = function(progress){
 //display the progress to the user
 alert(progress + '% done')




frame.src= '.....?sendResponse=x&onError=showPlottoError'
// you need to implement this function in order to get feedback on errors
window.showPlottoError = function(error){
 //display the error to the user