You can go straight to the responses page from the home page by clicking on 'Results' under the ellipsis icon:

Or alternatively, click on the survey title and navigate to the 'Results' section of the wizard.

Here you can see all video responses received. 

You can choose to 

  • Filter and search
  • View the footage
  • Click on the title to go to the individual video response page
  • Edit the title
  • Add to showreel
  • Download
The video response page enables you to view all content associated with that video response including video footage, transcription, survey responses, tags, ratings, respondent data and keywords. You can also add the video to a showreel, export the video, tag, rate or delete the entry.

Search & Filter Video Responses

inColor has a wealth of tools to help you organize your video contributions and prepare them for showreel creation.

To access these go to the Results page. Search and filter functions are listed in the left hand navigation.

They include:

1) Free text search - of spoken words or free text survey entries. Note that you can save your search.

2) Filters by survey responses - this allows you to automatically filter the video responses. 
  • All Questions: Filter by non-video question responses. 
  • All Video Questions: Filter by video question
  • Trending keywords - the system identifies and ranks keywords in the text, showing the highest scoring ones
  • Sentiment analysis - classifies the content as either positive, neutral or negative
  • Facial emotion analysis - recognises the facial expressions of people in the videos and returns an aggregate summary of their emotions with a confidence rating. The emotions detected are anger, contempt, disgust, fear, happiness, neutral, sadness and surprise. These emotions are understood to be cross-cultural and universally communicated with particular facial expressions.
  • Filter by demographic data or other recorded attributes
  • Filter by rating - ratings are optional inputs by you, the user

Filters and searches can be built up and your active filters will be displayed at the top of the page for simplicity. These can be deleted at any time.