You can set up your survey in the second step of your survey creation wizard 2. Setup.
2. Setup
In this section, you can create your survey questions.
You can start by editing the welcome and thank you messages. This is the copy that participants will see when participating and can be used to give context and clarify expectations (especially useful if participants are being rewarded).
Your survey automatically contains one video question since this should be the center of your research with inColor. To add further questions, simply click + Add Question and choose from qual, quant, and other question types/ options.
Question Types
There are three categories for question types:
- Qual Questions
- Quant Questions
- Other
Qual questions are open-ended video questions, the main element of your survey. For further tips on how to set up these open-ended qual questions have a look at our special article on video questions.
You can input a title and a question prompt - these are the introductory bits of copy that your participants will see. You can choose to also include a video request in your question, which is highly recommended. This may be you or another team member setting the context for the survey (a great way to make the exchange more personal).
To include a video like this you have two options:
- You can simply record your video within inColor: Click on the Live Recording button to activate your camera. You will then have the chance to make sure you are happy with the framing and lighting of the shot. Once you are happy, click Record and talk away. To finish, click Stop and note you need to remain on the page until the upload is complete. There is a text field above the recording area designed for you to input your video script or notes - this field is visible on screen as you record to help you keep on track but will NOT be included for survey participants to see.
- Or upload an existing file: Click on Upload File to browse for an existing file, this should be an MP4 or MOV. Once complete click on Next Step. You can come back and revise the video and associated information at any time.
Quant questions are to generate more context for your video research. You can choose from the following questions types:
- Opinion scale - the participant selects a number rating on a likert scale. You can specify the number of scale points (between 5 and 11) and edit the min, center and max labels.
- Continuous scale - this is a sliding scale format. Note the scale min and max must be numbers whilst the label allows you to describe this in words eg agree/disagree; love/hate
Other options to create your survey are:
- Contact properties - use this to collect respondents' details including name, email, birth year, and location
- Comment box - free text field. You will be able to search this text (as well as any video transcription) within the inColor analytics tools.
Question Editing
To edit your question, you can type in your question text and answers, adding answer options using the + icon and deleting answer options using the trash icon to the right.
You can configure your choices, options could include:
- Choosing to Mark as Required - Use the checkbox “Mark as required” below your question to make sure that you set questions to "mandatory" (the inColor Standard is "optional").
- Add an Other answer option
Please note that the standard language in quantilope inColor is English, esp. the different question types.
Example: Yes/No questions will always say "Yes / No" (e.g. you cannot change it to German "Ja / Nein"), same for the "Other Answer" text box option.
All changes will be saved automatically.
If you are not using inColor to deliver your survey questions you will still want to edit the welcome and thanks message in this section.
Survey Structure
You can structure your questionnaire any way you like and mix video questions and non-video questions. From a user experience point of view we recommend mixing it up a little, e.g. asking for general feedback in a video question and then asking on a 5pt scale for overall liking afterwards.
You can edit your questionnaire structure at any time using the left-hand navigation panel:
- Duplicate questions
- Delete questions
- Drag to reorder your questions